Give Help
Donate money
Our foodbank is part of the charity Hope Magherafelt, which exists to help transform lives for those in our community in need.
It is run by local people for local people – we rely on the community’s support to ensure we can continue to stop people going hungry.
Can you invest in the future of our project and help us provide much-needed support to people in crisis in our community?
Give online:
We have recently partnered with Peoples Fundraising who are an online giving site to help us accept donations online – just click on the link below:
Standing order:
You can complete the attached standing order form and post to our office address, or if you you have internet banking you can set up regular giving for yourself, using the following details:
Bank – Santander
Account Name – Hope Magherafelt
Sort Code – 09-01-28
Account Number – 72825278
Reference – Please insert your full name
You can give by cheque – please make cheques payable to Hope Magherafelt and post to our office address
Gift Aid:
By filling out a Gift Aid declaration we will be able to claim Gift Aid on your behalf which increases your donation by 25%. This means that for each £1 you donate to us, we will receive an additional 25p, free of charge. If you’ve not yet registered for Gift Aid with us, please download your declaration form below.
A single gift could secure someone’s future. Contact us to find out more.